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Insight and Inspiration for Living Your Legacy

Do the Work personal development May 04, 2020

Flying higher in meaningful endeavors requires committed and consistent effort. It's a daily practice of leaning into worthwhile challenges and interesting problems in the pursuit of making things better.

And it's definitely not for everybody.

But for people like us, we can't...

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Commitment personal development Apr 27, 2020

Commitment is a word we all use, but I'm not sure we all fully understand what it means. Here are some reflections from a recent conversation inside the Difference-Maker Community and on the Creative on Purpose Broadcast.

Commitment Is a Promise

You're putting yourself on the hook. If you're...

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Creative On Purpose
The Gift of Adversity
The Gift of Adversity onward excerpts personal development stoicism Apr 20, 2020

Today often looks and feels a lot like yesterday. It’s easy to assume that tomorrow will look and feel much the same. This is the seductive delusion perpetuated by the status quo. Every day is more-or-less another one of those.

And then something happens. Things go sideways. The world gets...

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The Possibilitist personal development Apr 13, 2020

What do you call someone who looks for and steps into possibility despite uncertainty or adversity?

I call a person who cultivates and demonstrates that approach a possibilitist.

A possibilitist is someone :

  • who sees the opportunity, lesson, or a silver lining in any situation.
  • who frames...
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What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do personal development Apr 06, 2020

Human beings are fascinating.

No creature on the planet is better equipped to connect and work through challenges or make things better. We are inherently curious, social, creative, and aspirational beings.

At the same time, when we can, we settle for the status quo. We are comforted by...

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Every Day Is a Chance to Start Again personal development Mar 30, 2020

Every day each of us is presented with a choice. To do the same things the same old way, or to try new things and new approaches.

When things are going well, or at least well enough, the natural thing is to just show up today like we did yesterday. But when things are broken, expecting...

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Creative On Purpose
Stillness in the Storm
Stillness in the Storm onward excerpts personal development stoicism Mar 27, 2020

Life in the ancient world was full of adversity. If you lived to adulthood, you likely endured war, famine, plague, natural disaster, or some combination of these.

And yet…

In antiquity, there was a flowering of philosophical approaches to the art of living well and even flourishing while...

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Articulating Adversity personal development Mar 23, 2020

When things go topsy turvy, upside down, or sideways, the usual reaction is to dig in. We insist that things go back to the way they were, or simply sit in stunned silence, and wait for someone to do something about it.

These reactions are dangerous. They prevent us from seeing the...

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Navigating Challenging Times personal development Mar 22, 2020

Everything is  just fine most of the time, and so are we. That's why so few challenge the status quo. Human beings like to know what's expected and where they stand.

And then...

Things get topsy turvy, turned upside down, or go sideways, and the status quo is no longer the status...

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Make America Create Again creativity Mar 17, 2020

Disclaimer - This isn't about politics. It's about working  together to make things better.

The Situation

Too many of us deny or have lost touch with our creative drive and instinct. This is sad, and this is wrong. It's time we all reclaim and reconnect with our creative...

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Creative On Purpose
Integrated onward excerpts personal development Mar 16, 2020

The pursuit of work-life balance was always an exercise in frustration for me.

I engage in multiple roles every day—husband, father, teacher, musician, writer, and coach, to name a few. 

I used to believe each role was a bucket and that all the buckets had to be filled equally. Even if...

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Creativity in Times of Crisis creativity personal development Mar 12, 2020

Crisis hijacks the healthier impulses we need to leverage when things go sideways.

"What am I to do when [INSERT CURRENT CRISIS HERE]?!"

Let's start by contextualizing the situation at hand. Yes, the current crisis is new and now, but novelty and proximity don't have...

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