The Blog


Insight and Inspiration for Living Your Legacy

Stoics vs. Epicureans art of encore living personal development stoicism tga Mar 18, 2023

Author’s note: When referring to terms as philosophies, they are capitalized. When referring to modern-day common usage, they are not.

Epicureanism and Stoicism are enduring ancient Greek philosophies and remain relevant. 


Like other philosophies of the time, Stoics and...

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Charles Wilson - "Just Start." tips from podcast guests Mar 15, 2023

Insight and inspiration for flying higher in the difference only you can make from guests who have appeared on Creative on Purpose Live.

This week’s wisdom comes from a conversation with neo-classical pianist BLKBOK (born Charles Wilson).

Tune into the entire...

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Who Let the Dogs Out? art of encore living personal development tga Mar 13, 2023

What are you certain about?

Are you absolutely sure about that?

I mean, really, really, absolutely certain.

It’s said that in this world, nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes.

But even those absolutes appear to be challenged these days.

So, if there...

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Limitless art of encore living personal development Mar 11, 2023

Ready to live without limits in the second half of life?

There’s a moment when we realize there’s more living behind us than in front.

It can be depressing and even triggering.

But the second half of life is also an awakening that you and I haven’t yet even come close...

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Jake Anderson - "You don't need to put all these barriers in front of you." tga tips from podcast guests Mar 08, 2023

Insight and inspiration for flying higher in the difference only you can make from guests who have appeared on Creative on Purpose Live.

This week’s wisdom comes from a conversation with Jake Anderson, founder of Build with Jake.

Tune into the entire conversation here.


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What Success Is (& Isn't) art of encore living personal development tga Mar 06, 2023

Success is not the measure of your ability.

Neither is failure.

In my work as an encore life coach, I look past success AND failure.

Here’s why.

We conflate success with our ability to make good decisions.

We confuse failure with our inability to make good decisions.

But here’s the...

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Stephen Cope - “Today is the opportunity.” tips from podcast guests Mar 01, 2023

Insight and inspiration for flying higher in the difference only you can make from guests who have appeared on Creative on Purpose Live.

This week’s wisdom comes from a conversation with Stephen Cope, Scholar-in-Residence at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health and author...

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The Perils of Grandiosity art of encore living personal development tga Feb 27, 2023

The journey to make a difference in the second half of life is fraught with contradictions.

The biggest one that I witness (and experience) is navigating grandiosity and insignificance.

Your life’s calling should be big, right?

It can certainly feel that way.

After all, we’re...

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Laurel Portié - "Go out and solve 100 people's problems." tga tips from podcast guests Feb 22, 2023

Insight and inspiration for flying higher in the difference only you can make from guests who have appeared on Creative on Purpose Live.

This week's wisdom comes from a conversation with Laurel Portié, everyone's favorite social media ad strategist. Tune into the...

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The Imitation Trap art of encore living personal development Feb 20, 2023

Can you figure out how to play your game by playing someone else's?

When I first started to learn to play jazz guitar, several teachers told me that to become a better improviser, I had to transpose and learn solos from other great guitarists.

It was bullsh*t advice.

Sure, they could...

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The Antidote to Suffering art of encore living personal development Feb 15, 2023

What is the source of suffering?

What’s the antidote?

According to several ancient traditions, attachment to desires is the source of all suffering.

So is aversion toward your sacred duty (aka “dharma”).

What’s the antidote?

I think it’s your aspiration and the...

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How to Invest Your Time, Attention, Effort, (& Money) More Wisely art of encore living personal development tga Feb 13, 2023

Seneca was a well-known (some would say “notorious”) businessman, political advisor, and writer who lived during Nero’s rule of the Roman empire.

He even served as an advisor to Nero before the emperor sentenced him to die by slitting his own wrists.

But that’s a story for...

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