The Antidote to Suffering

art of encore living personal development Feb 15, 2023
Scott Perry Promoting a Blog Post

What is the source of suffering?

What’s the antidote?

According to several ancient traditions, attachment to desires is the source of all suffering.

So is aversion toward your sacred duty (aka “dharma”).

What’s the antidote?

I think it’s your aspiration and the action you take to achieve your life’s true calling.

I call your sacred duty or your life’s true calling “the difference only you can make.”

And I believe that to deny it or remain attached to the false promise of “the pursuit of happiness” is to be complicit in contributing to your own suffering.

What to do?

It’s time to play your game.

Need help defining or developing the difference only you can make so you can find fulfillment, forge meaning, and live your legacy by playing your game all in and full out?

The Art of Encore Living has free resources to get you started on our blog and YouTube Channel.

If you’d like a clearer and more curated approach to defining the difference only you can make so you can find fulfillment, forge meaning, and live your legacy in the second half of life, check out the new Art of Encore Living guide.

Your life is speaking to you because it wants to speak through you.

Don’t die with the difference only you can make still inside.

Scott Perry, Encore Life Coach at Creative on Purpose

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