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Insight and Inspiration for Living Your Legacy

Less Is More endeavor book excerpts personal development Feb 29, 2020

This is an excerpt from my best-selling Amazon title, Endeavor: Cultivate Excellence While Making a Difference.

“To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom, remove things every day.” - Lao Tzu

This is the hardest lesson I’ve ever learned. In fact, I...

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The Virtues of Gratitude endeavor book excerpts Oct 22, 2019

Gratitude is appreciation for what you have and receive. You may be grateful for a tangible object or an intangible concept. Regardless, when you mindfully and genuinely practice gratitude, it can bring profound benefits to your life — not the least of which is greater happiness.


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Compassion endeavor book excerpts Apr 26, 2019

Compassion* is often conflated with empathy, but they are very different impulses. Empathy is the ability to feel and understand the state of mind of another. Compassion is feeling compelled to act on that recognition and to assist.

But empathy is not enough. It is only a step, albeit an...

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Who's In Charge? endeavor book excerpts Mar 14, 2019

“Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle. Some things are within our control, and some things are not.” - Epictetus

Agency is as intoxicating as it is elusive. When the breaks go your way, it’s easy to believe it’s due to your intelligence...

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But Will Your Endeavor Take Off? endeavor book excerpts personal development Mar 14, 2019

Ultimately, it is impossible to know if an endeavor will succeed. What does “success” even look like? Too often success is confused with popularity and profits.

What if you measured success by the well-being it generates for yourself and others? What if success is doing well enough...

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What Is an Endeavor? endeavor book excerpts Feb 20, 2019

It's more than a hobby, but not necessarily your job or role. It’s a vocation found at the intersection of who you are, what you're good at, and where you belong. An endeavor is work that you are meant to do now.

An endeavor cultivates gratitude because you don’t have to do it, you ...

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Of Shame and Sufficiency endeavor book excerpts personal development Jan 25, 2019

Shame is an invitation you do not have to accept.

There is no shame in sufficiency.

You can’t advance any endeavor without making mistakes. Getting things "right" involves going through a lot of "wrong."

And some of those "wrong" choices come with a heaping helping of regret. And when...

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Generosity endeavor book excerpts personal development Dec 24, 2018

Generosity is the expression of kindness, understanding, and selflessness. It’s an inherent impulse born of our social nature. This primal quality explains why giving and helping makes you feel good and why being selfish and stingy feels terrible. As with gratitude, there is good science...

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The Virtues (and Vices) of Thrashing endeavor book excerpts personal development Dec 10, 2018

In any endeavor worthy of your time and talents, you'll face challenges, obstacles, and problems. There's a time and place for educating yourself, preparing, and planning for these moments. There's also a time to dive in and thrash your way to clarity and resolution.

Thrashing is the process...

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Are You a Composer or an Improviser? endeavor book excerpts personal development Dec 03, 2018

The composer knows the rules. He's studied and done his homework. He writes well-crafted arrangements. Specific and carefully chosen instructions are included. The work of a composer reflects his character and purpose, especially when played by those who know how to do as instructed.


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The Final Flourish endeavor book excerpts personal development Nov 19, 2018

A 100-year-old Stayman Winesap apple tree in full bloom is a pretty majestic sight.

That's all my wife, and I remembered from a tour of the 38-acre farm in Check, Virginia, that we purchased soon afterward.

We raised our two sons there, in addition to dogs, cats, chickens, fruit trees, berry...

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What Stories Are You Telling Yourself? endeavor book excerpts personal development storytelling Nov 12, 2018
  • “I’m not good enough.” Or, “I’m a work in progress.”

  • “I’m stuck.” Or, “I’m ready!”

  • “I can’t catch a break.” Or, “There’s opportunity in every obstacle.”

  • “I’m...

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