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Insight and Inspiration for Living Your Legacy

Is time on your side? personal development stoicism May 24, 2021

Is time on your side?

It depends on what kind of time you’re talking about.

Time, like most things, is a construct. It's simply a story.

There's no agreement amongst physicists or philosophers about whether or not time is a fundamental absolute. Even amongst those who argue that...

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The stories we tell... personal development storytelling May 19, 2021

Trauma can break a person. It can also break you open to possibility. It took such a moment for me to realize that I was complicit in creating my own suffering.

Negative narratives I crafted about myself, my experiences, and how I measured up (or more often...

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Inverting the Golden Rule personal development May 17, 2021

You're engaged in work that matters. You're making a difference. That kind of endeavor is always done with and for others, and therefore, it is a fraught enterprise.

I spend a lot of my time in a leadership role within various online communities. Each has lengthy community guidelines and terms of...

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Do stories really matter? personal development storytelling May 13, 2021

Do stories really matter?

The question is, of course, rhetorical. If you want to make a difference, you have to tell stories. And if you're going to make a bigger difference, chances are you need to tell better stories.

Having a great idea or a cause worth investing in is not enough. If...

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Rethinking Authority personal development stoicism storytelling May 12, 2021

For good reason, many are questioning authority these days. For far too long, authority has been unfairly and unjustly distributed.

We should, and we must, cease this historical pattern and work together to extend privilege and opportunity to everyone, starting with those from whom it has been...

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The Best Teacher Ever personal development May 10, 2021

Imposter syndrome is getting a lot of attention these days. There's all kinds of advice on social media, blogs, and podcasts about how to beat it. Some even claim to have the secret to quitting or killing imposter syndrome.

I call "bullsh*t."

For the uninitiated, imposter syndrome is the feeling...

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Thought Leadership personal development May 05, 2021

It seems to me that being a thought leader requires just two things, a thought and a willingness to lead.

But is that really enough?

There are more than enough people sharing their thoughts. What's less clear is how much leadership is actually happening...

Leadership is the ability to lead....

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The Virtues of Anger personal development May 03, 2021

Anger is a many-splendored thing. Most often, we see it as dangerous and harmful–something to be curbed and avoided. I disagree (mostly).

Sure, cultivating and acting upon unhealthy and irrational anger is not a path to happiness or equanimity. At the same time, our prehistoric brain...

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Leading begins with believing. personal development Apr 28, 2021

Let’s start with clarifying terms...

By leadership, I do not mean authority. Transformational leadership does not depend on position. It’s a posture available to anyone who cares enough to commit to making things better through an endeavor that serves others.

And by...

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A Lever and a Place to Stand personal development Apr 26, 2021

"Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I will move the earth."–Archimedes

Making your mark in the world or a dent in the universe might feel impossible. I'd assert otherwise. Everyone one of us has the potential to make a difference. 

But how?

I'd argue that it begins...

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With and For personal development Apr 21, 2021

Difference-makers are generous disruptors.

Sure everything is fine just as it is. And, yet...

...things could be better.

And the way we make things better is together, to commit to a common cause and each other. Meaningful change for the better is an endeavor we do with and for each other.


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What I've Been Reading - Spring 2021 book recommendations Apr 19, 2021

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Books are efficient and cost effective learning tools. They are my go-to source for inspiration and information in my endeavors. Here...

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