The Blog
Insight and Inspiration for Living Your Legacy
One of the reasons appreciation is such an effective and efficient mood lifter is that it returns us to the here and now. It cultivates presence and mindfulness.
You can’t be grateful and anxious at the same time.
Anxiety is often caused by attachment to unhappy stories you’re telling...
Community and culture are terms often misused and conflated.
Community is driven by proximity. The people you find yourself surrounded by defines your community.
Culture is driven by ideas and actions. The shared ideas and idiosyncrasies of a group define culture. Culture isn’t...
Owning the influence you have over the community you keep and the culture you cultivate is powerful. It can also be a little intimidating.
The idea of a ‘digital campfire’ can help you baby step your way into this posture.
Of course, an in-person meet-up works too. But a virtual one...
You probably heard the joke about an old fish swimming by a couple of youngsters and saying, "Hey, kids, how's the water today?" The young fish return the greeting, and then after a bit, one young fish turns to the other and says, "What the heck is water?"
That's the problem...
Outrage is a natural reaction to injustice. We're programmed by biology and culture to express disgust, anger, or frustration when experiencing a personal offense or moral injustice.
Outrage triggers our ‘fight or flight’ instinct. When confronted by an abuse, the impulse to...
Volition is one of my favorite words (although coddiwomple is still in the top spot).
Volition is the exercise of will. Pursuing a difference worth making with integrity and intention. Volition and will reflect your character, who you really are.
Volition requires a readiness to make decisions ...
Productivity and progress are too often confused.
Getting lots of different things done (productivity) can be a seductive way to hide from getting one thing done well (progress).
Productivity is the ability to create or generate goods or services. Progress is the more important activity of moving...
When you're a committed difference maker, the impulse to try to make things better is strong. The default posture for people like us is to leap to action and lead. We want to help and think the best way is for us to do something now.
I wonder if the more helpful thing for some...
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"Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn
Books are my go-to source for inspiration and information...
Values and virtues are terms frequently confused or conflated. Yet, the distinction between the two is worth teasing apart.
Values are your ideals, guiding principles, and standards of behavior. They're aspirational goals that provide you with a moral compass for navigating choices and decisions....
Is resilience required?
The short answer is "I't depends."
If you're happy with how things are (and how you are), the answer is "No." Resilience is unnecessary if you're satisfied or settling.
If, however, you're pushing the edges of possibility for yourself and those you seek to serve...
What have you noticed about the moment we're all currently living through?
There is suffering, for sure. Sadly some of it could have been avoided. Now we're likely in for an extended slog through disarray and distress. Finding meaning or solace in this tumult can be a challenge.