The Blog


Insight and Inspiration for Living Your Legacy

Beliefs Are Bogus creativity stoicism Nov 21, 2017

The Case for Values

It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows." - Epictetus

We are driven by our beliefs. We live by them and die for them. And far too often we cleave to them in the face of evidence that they are not absolutes or even true. We believe that our beliefs...

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The Day I Met Seth Godin (And How He Made Cry…)! creativity personal development stoicism Nov 15, 2017

If you have a minute, I’d like to tell you a quick story.

If you check out The Stoic Creativative on Amazon, you’ll probably take note of this 5-star review.

“Scott will open your eyes to a different way of doing work that matters. His generous, persistent, consistent belief in...

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Generosity Should Not Be Confused With Promiscuity personal development Sep 19, 2017

“We can proudly use price as a signal to tell people what we think about what we sell.” Seth Godin, The Marketing Seminar

What’s It For?

That thing you’re making. That service you provide. That idea you have. What’s it for? What’s your motivation for sharing...

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Taking the Leap into Leveling Up personal development stoicism Sep 08, 2017

"What if?"

What if you did great work? What if you performed at a higher level? What if you served the right people? What if you worked with and learned directly from those who inspire you?

These are the questions I ask myself. I feel guilty asking them. I do, after all, already do work I love as...

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Simplicity Is the Ultimate Expression of Sophistication creativity personal development stoicism Aug 24, 2017

Doing Better Work By Doing Less

Yes, I know you’re terribly busy. So much to do and so little time. There are not enough hours in the day.

Are you buying this BS?

Time is not the issue. It’s taste. Where and how are you spending your most valuable resources? What are you spending...

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What Are You Waiting For? endeavor book excerpts personal development stoicism Aug 23, 2017

Now Is the Time. The Time Is Now.

What are you waiting for?

Getting your ducks in a row?

Your ship to come in?

The planets to align?

The “right” time? 

The ducks will line themselves up. You don’t even own a ship. And when was the last time you took the time to check...

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Character Is Fate personal development stoicism Jun 16, 2017

"Actions Speak Louder Than Words"

At least that's what my mom always told me. But over the years I've decided that this is not such great advice. Sure, we should walk the walk and not just talk the talk, but what are we talking and walking for in the first place?!

"A Man's Character Is His Fate."...

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Amor Fati personal development stoicism Apr 21, 2017

Embracing Stoic Determinism 

I was hung up on it for years. I’ve heard popular Stoic advocates like Ryan Holiday express the same reservation. Many who embrace the principles and practices of Modern Stoicism just can’t, or rather won’t, accept that their life is fated.


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You Were Born to Die personal development stoicism Apr 03, 2017

How the Ancient Practice of Contemplating Your Death Can Help You Live Well Now!

“Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now, take what’s left and live it properly” — Marcus Aurelius

“You should remember that you were born to die… ”...

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From Wrong to Right - The 4 Rs of an Intentional, Healing, & Meaningful Apology personal development Dec 18, 2016

None of us are beyond making a mistake, an unintended slight, a misstep, or a moment of cluelessness that causes injury. Don't dig in, make excuses, whitewash, or feign ignorance. The art of apology can turn things around when done well.

Recognize That You Did Something Wrong

You did it. You...

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Let’s Talk About Gratitude - Even Better, Let’s Practice It! personal development stoicism Nov 17, 2016

Let’s talk about gratitude. Not the mindless act of saying “Thanks” when someone passes the salt, but the mindful act of acknowledging and truly appreciating the people and situations that make up every moment of our lives.

As I write this, Thanksgiving is a week from today. For...

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Checking Our Intention & Motivation personal development stoicism Nov 14, 2016

It’s not a bad idea for creative people, like you and I, to pause from time to time and check our motivation and intention. Why are we practicing and sharing our craft? What’s it for?

Do we want to be noticed? Accepted? Praised? Rewarded?

Uh oh, better check ourselves! This path never...

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