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Insight and Inspiration for Living Your Legacy

Perfect In Every Way personal development Apr 28, 2019

How do you reply to the questions that come up in an everyday exchange of pleasantries? Questions like "How are you?" or "How is everything?"

For years my response has been, "Perfect in every way."

Am I a Pollyanna or just delusional? I mean, really, even the magical Mary Poppins was only "...

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Sitting with Sonder personal development stoicism Apr 26, 2019

I was initially introduced to the concept of sonder by Seth Godin.

Sonder is defined as that moment when you realize that everyone around you has an internal life as rich and as conflicted as yours.

Sonder brings to mind the Stoic practice of not judging others too harshly when they speak...

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Compassion endeavor book excerpts Apr 26, 2019

Compassion* is often conflated with empathy, but they are very different impulses. Empathy is the ability to feel and understand the state of mind of another. Compassion is feeling compelled to act on that recognition and to assist.

But empathy is not enough. It is only a step, albeit an...

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Creative On Purpose
Start with Who
Start with Who onward excerpts personal development Apr 22, 2019

Who are you? Who do you seek to serve? Who are your collaborators? Who’s in your tribe? Who are your fellow travelers?

Ask these questions with intention and answer them with integrity at the beginning of any worthwhile enterprise. 

Do the hard part first and get the who right. The...

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"What's It For?" personal development Apr 16, 2019

“What’s it for?”

Embracing this question is at the heart of every Seth Godin program. Why?

  • Asking “What’s it for?” indicates a commitment to intention and integrity.
  • It’s an invitation to disrupt self-serving agendas or bias confirmation and think more...
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Hope or Faith? personal development Apr 15, 2019

It's not, of course, an either or question. There's certainly a time and place for both hope and faith.

Hope is a desire for a favorable future outcome.

Hope is passive. Hope happens to you.

If you've been shipwrecked and are drifting about the Pacific in a leaky liferaft, hope may well...

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When Is It Time to Pause? personal development Apr 08, 2019

Last time, I discussed the virtues of "going." Today, I share the value of pausing.

There's no authentication for the source, but this is a favorite quote of mine.

"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is your power to choose your response. And, in your response...

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The Power of Pruning personal development Apr 07, 2019

As the gardener, by severe pruning, forces the sap of the tree into one or two vigorous limbs, so should you stop off your miscellaneous activity and concentrate your force on one or a few points.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

It's been years since we sold the farm where my...

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When Is It Time to Go? personal development Apr 07, 2019

When is it time to get going with your endeavor?

Here's a hint, it's almost always time to go.

"Learning that does not lead to action is useless." - Epictetus

Sure, you could read another book, take another course, spend a little more time practicing and polishing. There may even be...

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The Genre of Your Life's Story personal development storytelling Apr 01, 2019

Choose Your Genre. Choose Your Future.

What's the genre of your life story?

Is it a deadly disaster or an action adventure? A melodrama or a thriller? A horror show or a survival tale? A tragedy or an epic? A black comedy or an improv? A surreal show or superhero story? Outlaw or empire...

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The Books That Built Me - How I Became Creative OnĀ Purpose book recommendations creativity personal development Mar 25, 2019

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"Books are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to another mind."  - James...

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The Fine Art of Blundering creativity personal development Mar 25, 2019

Want to develop your potential? Awaken the giant within? Achieve excellence in an endeavor worthy of your time and talents?

Some say it takes guts, grit, and grind. Others say it requires planning, purpose, and perseverance. Perhaps it's merely up to fate, fortitude, and fortune.


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