Start with Who

onward excerpts personal development Apr 22, 2019
Creative On Purpose
Start with Who

Who are you? Who do you seek to serve? Who are your collaborators? Who’s in your tribe? Who are your fellow travelers?

Ask these questions with intention and answer them with integrity at the beginning of any worthwhile enterprise. 

Do the hard part first and get the who right. The how, what, where, and even the why of the work you’re meant to do now reveals itself when you’re working with the right people.

Great ideas, vision, and community fulfill their promise when you’re surrounded by great people.

Before you decide what you want to do and where you want to go, remember that the journey always takes longer than you think, and you’ll likely end up somewhere different than you first intend.

It’s easier to change what you’re working on or toward when you’re with the right people. The right people don’t need motivating and managing. The right people are self-motivated and self-regulated.

The wrong people on the right journey rarely get anywhere worth the time and trouble. And they often suffer every step of the way. The right people can always find a journey worth pursuing and thrive every step of the way.

Who are the right people? It might help to start with yourself. Who are you? What are your core values and guiding principles? What are your core talents and skills?

Getting clarity in those areas about yourself positions you to connect with others who share your values and need your talents. You can then convene and collaborate and work to enhance the prospects for everyone who is enrolled.

This is an excerpt from Onward: Where Certainty Ends Possibility Begins.The audio comes from the audiobook edition available on Audible.

Scott Perry, Difference-Maker Coach at Creative on Purpose.

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