What are decisions for?

art of encore living personal development Dec 07, 2022
Scott Perry Promoting a Blog Post

What are decisions for?

Reasoning from first principles, it might be a good idea to start with what a decision is.

Decision comes from the Latin decidere, the roots of de (off) and caedere (kill).

To  decide is, therefore, to kill off.

Kill off what?

Well, for one thing, when you make and act on a decision, you are killing off the status quo of what’s now.

I’d assert that when you decide, you are deciding on one course of action over one or more other possibilities.

So when you decide and act on one future possibility, you are, by definition, killing off other possible futures.

Back then, to the original question, what are decisions for?

Based on the etymology, decisions are for stepping into possible futures while simultaneously killing off others.

Suddenly, decision-making seems like serious business (not that we need to take it or ourselves too seriously).

I share all this to say, knowing that since we will be both creating and killing possible futures, we might think about what future we want (and which we don’t want).

So, I’m asking, what do you want?

More specifically, what do you really want?

The decisions you make can get you closer to what you want.

OR take you further away from what you want.

Ready to make a decision?

What do you really, really want?

Scott Perry, Encore Life Coach at The Art of Encore Living

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