How to Pace Yourself

art of encore living personal development tga Jan 11, 2023
Scott Perry Promoting a Blog Post

Too many well-meaning difference-makers heed the gospel of grit and grind.

This is dangerous.

Following these false prophets only increases the likelihood of burnout or blowing yourself up.

If you’re working toward a worthwhile goal, some rigor is required.

But here’s what the preachers of hustle and hard work don’t tell you.

Rigor works most effectively and efficiently when accompanied by restraint.


Because if you’re always go, go, going, and giving it your all, sooner or later, you will give up or give out.

Restraint helps you rest and recharge so you can go longer and further (and have the wherewithal to recognize when your goal is reached). 

Think about it. How many Olympic champions achieve a personal best every day while training?

Your maximum achievability is not your maximum maintainability either.

Pacing matters. It's how we really close the gap and compress time.

Don't push the river.

If you don’t take a time out from time to time, you’ll likely find that where you wanted to go wasn’t actually where you needed to be.

Restraint helps you pause, reflect, and reorient so you can stay on track and get closer to what you really want and where you really need to be.

Remember, you can’t win a race you don’t want to be in.

And you can’t finish a race you’re not rested and ready for.

Clarity about what you want and how you’re getting there is essential in any endeavor.

Knowing who you are and why you’re doing the work also matters.

But once you’re confident enough about all that, rigor alone won’t help you finish or win the race.

Where in your life, work, and life’s work do you need to ease off the gas, pump the brakes, and show some restraint before you spin out or eff up?

Scott Perry, Encore Life Coach at The Art of Encore Living

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