Don't push the river.

art of encore living personal development Apr 20, 2022

The New River is one of the oldest rivers in the world. 

I live near it and visit it often.

It flows north instead of the usual south and crosses a mountain range rather than descending from one.

I love that it's a contrarian. It reminds me of someone I've known all my life. ;)

My wife and I picnic by the New on summer weekends. I revel in its ancientness every time I step into it. The waters of the New feel wise and powerful as they swirl around my body.

The New also reminds me of some ancient Chinese wisdom.

"Don't push the river. It flows by itself."

I repeat this quote when I catch myself getting worn out as I grit and grind my way toward some desire.

I call this "pushing the river."

Pushing against the river's current is an exercise in futility and exhaustion. You can't change the direction of a river's flow or slow it down.

Pushing with the flow is far easier, of course, but it's no more useful. The river was heading that way anyway. It won't arrive at its ultimate destination any more effectively or efficiently with your pushing.

Whether pushing with or against the river, you're putting attention and effort into something you can't influence.

This is a waste of your time and effort.

Sure, pushing the river feels like real work. But river pushing is a seductive distraction and an impediment to making real progress in the difference you make.

Where are you pushing the river in your endeavor today? What might be a better use of your time, attention, and effort?

Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at Creative on Purpose

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