Sonia David - "Be an Imposter"

tips from podcast guests Aug 30, 2023

Insight and inspiration for flying higher in the difference only you can make from guests who have appeared on Creative on Purpose Live.

This week’s wisdom comes from a conversation with Sonia David, author of Master Your Imposter. Tune into the entire conversation here.

[SONIA] "Be an imposter. Do it. Whatever it is that you feel is a disguise to you, put it on every single day."

"Everywhere we go, we have to put on some sort of costume to engage in social life. I do it, and it's not an oppressive thing when I say that."

"I mean, when I talk to my niece and nephew, I may get cute, or I might read a story to them in a different voice, or I might tickle them on Christmas and make up a new song. I don't do that with,  you know, if I met you in person, Scott, I'm not going to tickle you and sing to you about Santa Clause coming to your home. It would be a different experience."

"So, just accepting and acknowledging that the disguise we choose to wear is one we choose to put on, then no one puts it on us."

"We get to decide what we do with that and look in the mirror and feel good about ourselves. It takes our power to the next level."

"So, be an imposter."

Sonia just delivered an important reminder about the importance and value of avoiding the identity trap. How are you embracing and leveraging your imposter today?

Scott Perry, Encore Life Coach at Creative on Purpose

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