Jeff Moore - "You have something to share because you have experiences to share."

tga tips from podcast guests Apr 19, 2023

Insight and inspiration for flying higher in the difference only you can make from guests who have appeared on Creative on Purpose Live.

This week’s wisdom comes from a conversation with Thursday Night Boardroom founder, Jeff Moore.

Tune into the entire conversation here.

[JEFF] "I'm going to talk more about wisdom in this and the two types of wisdom."

"Okay, you can hear somebody speak and go, 'Oh, that's really wise,' and 'I'm really gonna do my best to live by that.'"

"But then there's wisdom that's experienced."

"And that experience is where, if you want to make an impact in the world, you share your experiences."

"People go, 'Oh, you know it's a learning experience and, you know, once I fail it's good.'"
"I'm like, 'You don't have to fail.' You can actually use other people's experiences and wisdom."

"I've got a little poem that says, 'Wisdom taught is fleeting, like the single drop of rain, but wisdom experienced remains and flows through the soul like a mighty river for all eternity.'"

"I think that when I share my experiences and what I learn from those experiences, and I share it in such a way that people can experience it as if it was happening to them, it becomes that visceral experience that lives within them for all eternity."

"And I think that there's a lot of kids out there that are reading books and taking programs and turning around and acting as if they are the expert."

"But as we get into our 50s and 60s, and we have experiences in dealing with things, and might I say the nuances of these lessons if you will that we've experienced."

"As a musician, you know, nuance is the space between the notes that make the music. Right? And so, that's the thing. It's the experience."

"The wisdom experienced is the things that we can share."

"People are expecting to go 'I don't know what I could share.' 'I don't have anything I can share.'"

"Let's talk about what is the most memorable experience you've ever had in your life? And this is what's important to somebody. This is what you could do to help somebody."

"You don't have to become this big enterprise owner. You can start having small conversations and put yourself in front of young professionals and young, hungry people that are looking for that. Or even adults that are confused."

"You have something to share because you have experiences to share."

Jeff just delivered a powerful reminder that each of us has wisdom to share because we have experiences to share. How are you bridging the knowledge wisdom gap today?

Scott Perry, Encore Life Coach at Creative on Purpose

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