Unleash the Assertions!

personal development Oct 08, 2018
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Certainty and confidence are tools of the status quo. They cultivate fixed mindsets, false beliefs, and inertia. Certainty and confidence discourage imagination, innovation, and investigation. Even worse, they dissuade the human instinct for curiosity, courage, and creativity.

And the world needs more curiosity, courage, and creativity now more than ever.

It's time to abandon our addiction to certainty and confidence. It's time to question our firmly held beliefs. It's time to embrace curiosity, courage, and creativity. It's time to bring our assertions.

Assertions are ideas we hold true based on our observation and experience. When we put them forth to be “tested” we not only open the door to empathetically engage and understand someone else’s observation and experience, but we are afforded the opportunity to iterate and improve our good ideas and abandon our bad ones.

Assertions employ our curiosity and courage and help us avoid the pitfalls of certainty and over-confidence. Assertions help us stop talking at, over, past, around, and through each other and instead engage in collaborative conversation with each other.

What do you assert today?

Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at Creative on Purpose

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