Are you ready to make a difference?

personal development Aug 31, 2020
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"To make a difference." What does it even mean?

For people like us, it means leaning in and leveling up in work that enhances our lives while elevating the lives of others. Making things better. Serving. Doing the work. Living your legacy.

To be a difference maker is to pursue excellence in yourself and your craft while cultivating the same in others. Developing your potential and delivering on your promise by engaging in meaningful endeavors done with and for others.

What does it take to make a difference?

Doing things differently, of course.

What got you where you're at won't get you where you want to go. To continue to fly higher in your enterprise requires "breaking" the status quo created by yesterday's accomplishment so that you step into tomorrow's possibility.

Difference makers seek the edges of what's now and set their aim on what's next. They see the silver linings in challenges and find opportunities in every obstacle. All the while keeping in mind what the change they seek to make is for.

Every goal is set with intention, every strategy is created with integrity, every tactic is executed with consideration. Outcomes are always uncertain. The quality of your effort is the reward.

Making a difference is not for everybody. But people like us can't imagine living and working any other way.

Ready to make a difference? Let's go!

Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at Creative on Purpose

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