
Close the Gap

“Scott brought order to my thoughts.”

I was spinning myself out, overanalyzing things that didn’t matter. Scott brought order to my thoughts. I clarified my next steps and quickly implemented them—months of spinning out, resolved in less than an hour! Thanks, Scott, for providing clarity in such a simplified and concise manner. Nicole Richards, Lifestyle Coach

“Get to the heart of the matter quickly.”

“Scott has a way of getting to the heart of the matter quickly (and in a way you can’t unsee). His coaching is empathic, lucid, practical, and empowering. I can’t recommend it highly enough to anyone exploring how to redesign their lives and give back what they have learned.” Kris Achten, Entrepreneurial Marketing Coach

“Scott reminded me of my true essence.”

“Scott reminded me of my true essence. He helped me clarify and crystallize my ideas for finding and serving my tribe. What a gift! I’m thrilled with the results I achieved. Scott’s honesty and deep wisdom are hard to find and sorely needed. Thank you, Scott!” Mariana Konsolos, The Playground

Achieve Your Life & Business Priorities

Reduce Risk, Create Certainty, & Save Time With Catalyst


Are you stuck, confused, or uninspired about where you are in life or business?

Get ready to eliminate limitations, step into possibility, and realize results!

Define precisely what you want and learn how to effectively and efficiently get it by identifying the essential steps and executing them effortlessly.

Welcome to Catalyst.

Catalyst delivers insights that inspire intentional action to close the gap.

The Catalyst approach is straightforward and tailored to your unique personality, preferences, talents, and situation.

The Catalyst approach is straightforward and tailored to your unique personality, preferences, talents, and situation.

The process is the shortcut.

Close the gap between where you are and where you want to be in life and business more confidently and with greater velocity.

What sets Catalyst apart is that it’s not a cookie-cutter, prescriptive program. 

Catalyst meets you where you are and helps establish where you really want to be. Then, we define and execute the most efficient and effective strategy to get you there.

Progress, prosperity, and peace of mind are within your immediate reach with Catalyst.

How does Catalyst work?

The Catalyst process is a proven, principles-based approach to achieving any priority.

It begins with establishing what you really want, where you really are, and what you’re actually starting with.

Then, we establish the path of greatest certainty by reasoning from the first principles.

Finally, we collapse the time to target through system optimization. 

What can be accomplished with Catalyst?

Clients have leveraged Catalyst to build successful businesses, find their post-retirement or post-exit vocation, and achieve personal fitness, relationship, and financial goals.

  • Nancy struggled to sell her $100/hour coaching offer. With the help of Catalyst, she now consistently books 6-figure contracts.
  • Mitch was clueless about what to do after his multimillion-dollar exit. He leveraged Catalyst to build a part-time lifestyle business, hosting dinners at a beach house where guests enjoy music and discuss life’s big questions.
  • Olivia’s life went sideways when her husband walked out. Catalyst helped her see and step into an even better and brighter future, building a dream business and healthier relationships.

And those are just three of hundreds of success stories.

Here’s what you get with Catalyst:

  • Four hours of 1:1 coaching calls 
  • Email and text access in between calls
  • Exclusive bonus content and calls

My Guarantee

Your onboarding call will pay for the entire cost of this program, or I will give you an immediate refund.

What can you achieve with Catalyst?

Let’s find out.

  1. Fill out the form below for immediate access to a short questionnaire
  2. Complete the questionnaire to clarify where you are and where you want to be
  3. Get personalized help defining your next steps by email or schedule a 15-minute strategy call

While you wait on life, life passes. Don’t let life pass you by! Sign in, complete the questionnaire, and book your call today.

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Your Catalyst Cornerman, Scott Perry

I’m Scott Perry, your personal Catalyst guide. I help high achievers simplify and stimulate their goal-success system so they achieve their priorities more effortlessly and ahead of schedule.

My clients experience greater fulfillment, meaning, and impact while achieving their goals with less risk and effort in less time.

Step Into Possibility

If you’re ready to get real about achieving your life and business priorities, click the button below, and let’s get you going!

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