Creative on Purpose


Craft Your Path to a Life of Greater Intention, Fulfillment, & Impact

The Process Is The Shortcut

What Clients Say

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“Brought order to my thoughts.”

“A monumental part of my success.”

“Miraculous for me.”

Click here for more testimonials.

Meet Your Guide, Scott Perry

I help you get clear about and closer to what you really want in life.


By developing efficient systems for achieving clear life and business priorities with greater certainty in less time.

Oh, and have fun while you’re at it.

Ready to play your game all in and full out?

Creative on Purpose’s content, community, and coaching delivers insight and inspiration to help you master the art of living in your life’s next chapter.

Ready to step into possibility?

Become a person who knows and gets what they want in life.

It’s time to be creative on purpose!

What got you where you are won’t get you where you want to be.

Play your game on your terms without compromise.

What’s Hot on the Creative on Purpose Broadcast Now

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Creative on Purpose Live!

Conversations about making a better living and a bigger impact by defining, developing, and delivering the difference only you can make. It’s time to play your game!


Insight & Inspiration From the Blog

Be a Blessing Marketing

Make a Better Living By Turning the Work You Love to Do Into Your Marketing Strategy


Unlearning Helplessness

Seven Self-Empowerment Secrets For Stepping Into Your Potential 


The Path to Purpose

A Proven Process for Finding Fulfillment & Forging Meaning in Your Life's Next Chapter


The Three Ways to Find Flow

A Complete Guide for Committed Difference Makers & Other Humans


Download a free ebook and audiobook edition of Onward

“Profound, actionable, and generous, Scott has written a short manifesto that will sit with you and help you move forward. Worth sharing.” Seth Godin, author of This is Marketing, The Practice, and Song of Significance

Built with integrity. We never spam or share your information.

You, and the difference only you can make, are worth it.


Haven’t you wasted enough time imagining and planning what’s next? Embrace limitless living today!


Don’t die with the difference only you can make still inside.


Click the button below for insights that inspire a life of greater intention, integrity, and impact.